Family Pet Advocates offers assistance to low-income, elderly and disabled families in need of pet food and supplies. We are currently serving Tiverton and Little Compton, RI and will expand our reach as funds allow. We will also consider applicants that are experiencing temporary hardships (health issues, household disasters, etc.).

Requirements and Eligibility To Receive Pet Food Donations

  1. A current ID (license or government issued) and proof of need (Social Security, Unemployment, Disability, Medicare/Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, Public Housing, etc.)

  2. Recipients must be 18 years of age or older

  3. Pets receiving assistance are for companion animals only and not for breeding or illegal activities and must be allowed access to indoor shelter

  4. All pets must be spayed/neutered and up to date on rabies vaccines. Family Pet Advocates can refer you to resources if they are not

  5. Families receiving assistance from Family Pet Advocates cannot take on any additional animals while in the program

  6. Families must understand that all pet food and supplies are donated and may not be what you normally feed your pet, which may upset your pet’s stomach

  7. Applicants agree not to hold Family Pet Advocates, its volunteers, and benefactors legally liable in the unfortunate event your pet(s) become ill or the food upsets a pets(s) stomach after eating food provided through donations

  8. Recipients agree not to resell, redistribute or attempt to return to a store, any food or care items received from Family Pet Advocates

  9. Family Pet Advocates will make every effort to provide dog and cat food for specific needs (i.e., grain-free, urinary tract health, etc.), but are only able to give what is available at the time

  10. Photos of your pet(s) are requested, but not required to participate. Please submit in jpg or png format and email to

Should you violate any of the above requirements, Family Pet Advocates will terminate assistance immediately without notice.